she first got a seat in parliament when she was only 26 years old 意味

  • わずか 26 歳で初めて国会の議席を得た


        she:    she 先方 せんぽう 彼女 かのじょ 同氏 どうし あの方 あのかた 彼奴 あいつ あの人 あのひと
        she's:    {1} : she is の縮約形 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {2} : she has の縮約形 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        when she was good:    {著作} : ルーシィの哀しみ◆米1967《著》フィリップ?ロス(Philip Roth)
        she she:    {名} :
        she-she:    {名} : 若い女
        who's he she, etc. when he's at home:     Whó's he [she, etc.] when he's [she's,etc.] at hóme? ((略式))(人の名前を聞き返して)その人はいったいだれのこと? いったい何者だ.
        he or she:     he or she 1 ?he or she . he or she 2 [hí??(r)?í?] 【代】 ((正式))[everybody,nobodyなどの不定代名詞,person,readerなどの性別不特定の語を総称的に受けて] (その)人《◆従来のheの代用語;時にshe or heともいう;?he ,?they ,he/she,s/he》.
        he/she:    {代名} : 彼または彼女は[が]
        lao she:    老舎
        not impossible she:    《the ~》恋愛{れんあい}の対象{たいしょう}になりそうな女性{じょせい}
        she cat:    {名} :
        she devil:    {名} :
        she dog:    {名} : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {自動} :
        she dragon:    {名} :
        she goat:    {名} :


  1. "she finished her work in a blinding gallop so that she could catch the last train" 意味
  2. "she finished the port in her glass" 意味
  3. "she fired three shotgun blasts into his body" 意味
  4. "she firmly asserted that this was not the case" 意味
  5. "she first appeared on screen in that movie" 意味
  6. "she first made her name as a pianist" 意味
  7. "she fished around in her purse for change" 意味
  8. "she fished in her pocket for the key" 意味
  9. "she fished in her purse and pulled out a ten-dollar bill" 意味
  10. "she firmly asserted that this was not the case" 意味
  11. "she first appeared on screen in that movie" 意味
  12. "she first made her name as a pianist" 意味
  13. "she fished around in her purse for change" 意味

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